Featured article

meet iva illustration

Meet IVA: Revolutionizing Customer Interviews

Explore how Icanpreneur's new IVA feature aligns with our vision of leveraging AI to support entrepreneurship. Our AI-driven functionality creates customized interview scripts, facilitating consistent and insightful customer conversations, and helping entrepreneurs efficiently achieve product-market fit.

Emil Tabakov
Jul 116 min read

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Icanpreneur Talks: Summer Vibes Community Gathering
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Entrepreneurship is often a lonely journey. Self-doubt, lack of expertise, and lack of previous experience in a specific area are frequent companions ...

Emil Tabakov
Jul 38 min read
Unfair Advantage: What it is and how do you find yours?
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The unfair advantage is your business's distinctive edge against competitors. Uncover real-life unfair advantage examples and learn how to find yours.

Emil Tabakov
Jul 213 min read
Defining Robust Key Metrics in the Lean Canvas
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What are key metrics in the lean canvas and how to define them? Learn everything you need to know about lean canvas key metrics in our blog post.

Emil Tabakov
Jun 287 min read
Top 10 Lean Canvas Examples
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Curious about how the Lean Canvas model would have looked for Google, Slack, or Tesla in their early days? Explore 10 detailed Lean Canvas examples on our blog.

Emil Tabakov
Jun 2511 min read
What is Lean Canvas: Definition and Examples
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Learn everything you need to know about the lean canvas, its building blocks, and how it can help you in your entrepreneurial journey.

Emil Tabakov
Jun 219 min read
From Big Corp to Startup: The Product Manager's Transition
corporate vs startup

I've been on quite a journey in the product world, starting in big companies with 200+ employees and recently diving into the startup scene with the awesome folks at Icanpreneur. This switch got me thinking – are startups and corporate gigs really that different, especially in product management?

Emil Tabakov
Dec 8, 20236 min read
The Power of Purpose: Building a Better World Through Business

Time is our most previous resource and we spend significant amount of our lifetime working. So, this raises a crucial question - how can we ensure we are investing our work hours in the best possible way?

Emil Tabakov
Oct 6, 20235 min read
The Land of the Never Started Startups

Have you ever had this great startup idea and you never did anything about it? Do you feel like you get work done only when the deadline is approaching at you with supersonic speed? It sounds like you are a procrastinator! And so is the majority of humankind in some shape and form.

Emil Tabakov
Mar 17, 20237 min read
Great Startup Teams Are Built, Not Gathered
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Behind every great startup there is a great team of talented individuals. However, a great startup team requires more than just bringing the right people with the right expertise together. It also requires deliberate effort of team building at a basic human level.

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Jan 6, 20236 min read
Not Doing Solution Validation Because of Henry Ford

Principles are a very powerful tool for reasoning and decision making and are especially important when it comes to complex areas like entrepreneurship. However, to successfully apply principles it is important to make sure that we interpret them correctly and understand their true meaning.

Vesko Kolev
Dec 23, 20226 min read
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